Why Won’t My Bad Breath Go Away? 

Bad breath is something we all deal with from time to time. While some individuals struggle with it more than others, it's typically not something to worry about – unless it sticks around for an extended period of time. If you are one of those people who battle bad breath, you’re not alone. Truth be told, more than 50 percent of adults struggle with this on a daily basis. 

Living with bad breath isn't fun, and it can certainly take a toll on your self-confidence. If you’re one of the many adults struggling with bad breath that just won't go away, we encourage you to learn a little more about what could be causing it so that you can ditch the smell once and for all. Here are a few of those common causes for bad breath…  

Bacteria Buildup 

We all have bacteria lingering in our mouth, the question you should be asking yourself is – how much? Bacteria always starts off harmless, however once it begins to build up, it can turn into plaque which results in an unpleasant smell. Once bacteria turns into plaque, it can become difficult to get rid of. This is why it’s essential to maintain proper oral hygiene at home, in addition to scheduling those regular dental visits. 

Forgetting To  Floss 

Flossing is one of those things that a lot of people skip – however, it is very important when maintaining proper oral hygiene. The thing is, even if you are brushing your teeth two times a day as suggested, there is a significant portion of your teeth that can not be reached without floss. In fact, your toothbrush covers about 60 percent of your teeth while flossing makes up for the other 40 percent. That being said, when you skip the floss, you’re leaving behind a generous amount of bacteria that can lead to bad breath. 

Dry Mouth 

Many people don't realize that saliva actually serves an important role – it keeps our mouths clean! If you aren't producing a reasonable amount of saliva, your mouth will not stay as clean as it should. Living with a dry mouth means higher amounts of bacteria trapped within your mouth, resulting in bad breath. 

Gum Disease 

For those of you who have been battling bad breath for longer than you can remember, this can be a sign of gum disease. Gum disease is a result of bacteria building up within your mouth over time, and eventually making its way into your gums. When left untreated, it can become particularly difficult to get rid of bad breath. When gum disease is left untreated for extended periods of time, periodontal disease can occur – and even tooth loss. 

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions 

For a few of you, there may be a reason why you’re experiencing bad breath that is unrelated to oral hygiene. If your dentist has ruled out poor oral hygiene and gum disease, your bad breath could be a result of a pre-existing medical condition. By keeping up with your regular oral exams, your dentist will be able to identify this and send you over to your general practitioner for additional testing.

If persistent bad breath is taking a toll on your daily life, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at Smile St. Pete Dentistry! Dr. Lowry takes a tactful and careful approach to all patients. Through an oral exam, she can help to identify the cause of your bad breath and eliminate the problem through a personalized treatment plan. Take back control of your smile, give our team a call!  


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