What Foods and Beverages Can Stain Your Teeth?

Battling stained teeth is very common, especially when some of the most popular everyday drinks are on the list of top tooth stainers. Fortunately, with the help of over-the-counter teeth whitening systems it's easier than ever to troubleshoot those pesky stains right from your home. While some stains can be quick to get rid of, others may linger for a bit longer – especially if you have a habit of smoking or drinking coffee, tea, or wine. 

So that you can best protect your teeth over time, here is a list of common tooth stainers to watch out for – or consume in moderation! 

What Foods and Beverages Can Stain Your Teeth? 

What you’re about to read probably won't surprise you. We also know that most of the items on this list are very common – so, how are you supposed to avoid them? Well, while we don’t expect you to give up coffee or tea cold turkey, there are ways to limit their impact on your smile (such as using straws, rinsing with water or brushing your teeth right after) so that you don't have to ditch those familiar favorites from your lifestyle completely. 

So that you can keep an eye on those top tooth stainers, here is a quick list: 

  • Coffee 

  • Tea 

  • Red wine 

  • Berries 

  • Fruit juices 

  • Dark sodas

  • Energy Drinks 

  • Tomato-based products

  • Soy sauce 

  • Balsamic vinegar 

  • Products including food coloring 

  • Dark chocolate 

What Else Besides Food Can Stain Your Teeth? 

As mentioned above, what you choose to eat and drink are not the only culprits behind a stained smile. Here are a few of the common lifestyle choices that can interfere with the color and overall health of your smile.

  • Natural aging 

  • Tobacco products 

  • Medications 

  • Infections 

  • Tooth trauma 

How Can I Avoid Stained Teeth Without Changing My Lifestyle? 

The good news is, you don't have to eliminate your favorite foods and beverages entirely. We get it – for many of us, that morning coffee is a must! Here are a few tips to lower your risk of tooth discoloration, without having to ditch those familiar favorites. 

  • Start using a straw 

  • Consume in moderation 

  • Rinse with water after choosing those teeth staining foods and beverages 

  • Avoid tobacco products as much as possible 

  • Consider scheduling a professional whitening treatment  

Teeth Whitening in Downtown St. Petersburg 

If your smile has felt a little dull, or you have a few troublesome stains that just won't go away, we encourage you to schedule a cosmetic consultation at Smile St. Pete Dentistry! Dr. Lowry will assess your smile, and after a comprehensive exam, suggest either a professional teeth whitening – or another cosmetic dental treatment that is sure to do the trick! 


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