5 Tips To Curb Those Sugar Cravings

With New Year's resolutions right around the corner, many of us are going to be looking for ways to curb those sugar cravings. After wrapping up November and December, you’ve likely had your fair share of sugar – hello holiday sweets! When consuming high volumes of sugar, our bodies naturally crave those sugars moving forward – meaning, it can feel much more difficult to curb those cravings in the months to come. 

Sugary sweets may make us feel good in the moment, but let’s not forget what they can do to our health in the long run. Not only does a sugary diet impact our bodies – it takes its toll on our teeth too! So that you can hit those New Year's goals right out of the gate, let's take a look at some of the ways you can so no to sugar moving forward. 

Keep Healthy Snacks On Hand 

For many of us, we reach for the sugar when we are already hungry – or “hangry”. Lets face it, sweets are definitely a pick-me-up. During those busy moments it's easier to grab options that aren't the best choice. Most of those go-to foods that can be found on the fly are processed too, AKA packed with sugar. Keeping healthy choices on hand for the moments you need a little snack is a great way to make better choices and stay fuller longer. Foods like cheeses, nuts, or apples are rich in protein and are sure to fuel you between meals.


Drink More Water 

Water is great for keeping you hydrated and maintaining a sense of fullness. There are many benefits to drinking water, including the perk of keeping your mouth cleaner! If you are unable to brush your teeth after each meal, rinsing with water is certainly better than nothing. For those all day sippers, know that water is a much better option for your teeth over coffee or tea too! 


Eat Sweets With Your Meal 

A little unknown fact to many – the food from your main meal can help to neutralize the sugars in your dessert. This means, throwing in those must-have sweets with your lunch or dinner will certainly help in the long run when it comes to their impact on your teeth.  


Opt For The Fruit 

Now this one may feel obvious, but fruit is a wonderful alternative to processed sugars – feel free to eat as much as you would like! Fruits are a better choice for your teeth and body… hello antioxidants! 


Tame The Temptations 

Are you a stress eater? – if so, you’re not alone. However, recognizing that habit is half the battle! Keeping a pulse on what triggers those cravings is a great way to start nipping that habit in the bum. 


Just remember, go easy on yourself! While it is a great goal to minimize sugar in your diet, don’t beat yourself up if you fall to temptation every now and then. Like many other things in life, sugar is just fine in moderation. So, as long as you are keeping an eye on how much you consume – and how well you protect your teeth afterwards, you should be just fine! 


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