What Happens If I Skip My Regular Dental Cleaning?

Visiting the dentist is something that’s instilled in us from early childhood – why? Well, there are many benefits that come from visiting the dentist regularly. Scheduling regular checkups at the dentist not only ensures the health of your smile, but it plays a pivotal role in your overall health as well. Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits that come from visiting the dentist regularly! 

The Benefits Of Regular Dental Cleanings 

Regular dental cleanings are essential for spotting tooth concerns early on. Many people associate regular dental cleanings as just that — a cleaning, but in reality, this is the dentist's opportunity to examine your overall oral health too. 

By staying on track with your regular oral exams, your dentist will be able to quickly remedy any areas of concern, or at the very least begin a treatment plan that solves the problem over time. Identifying and treating dental issues as quickly as possible is essential in maintaining a healthy smile – and preventing other health issues within the body too. Some of the main benefits associated with visiting the dentist regularly include… 

  • Keeping clean, fresh breath

  • Gum disease prevention 

  • Prevention of tooth decay and cavities

  • Supports heart health 

  • Early detection of underlying teeth concerns

  • Boosted self-confidence 

So, What Happens If I Skip The Dentist… 

Skipping the dentist comes with consequences – some that can even result in tooth loss. If you’re going to skip those regular dental cleanings, it's important to understand some of the risks involved.

Tooth discoloration is very common for those coffee, tea and wine drinkers. Over time, this can lead to some serious staining! Fortunately, stains are easy to keep at bay when visiting your dentist regularly – and for those of you looking to leave a little brighter, you can schedule a professional teeth whitening during those regular cleanings too! 

Tooth decay and cavities are a result of plaque buildup. Over time, this plaque turns into an acid that can irrevocably damage your tooth enamel. Tooth enamel acts as a protective shield for your teeth, and without it, you become more at risk for decay or cavities. When left untreated, tooth decay can even result in tooth loss. Once tooth enamel is gone, unfortunately there is no getting it back. Some individuals may not realize they are living with cavities or experiencing tooth decay, which is why it is imperative you visit the dentist regularly for a professional cleaning. 

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, occurs when that lingering bacteria makes its way into your gums. Gum disease can be dangerous when left untreated, which is why it's extremely important to visit your dentist if you’re experiencing any early signs or symptoms of this disease – bleeding gums being one of the most common. Untreated gum disease can lead to gradual deterioration of those previous tissues around the root of your teeth, so don’t skip the dentist when considering the health of your gums! 


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