Is Xeomin The Same As Botox?

Botox has become the renowned name for wrinkle relaxers across the globe – while Botox is an amazing option for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, there are some alternatives out there that have a strong reputation too. Xeomin is similar to Botox in its ability to create that stress free, ageless appearance – however, it has a few elements that make it different. 

What is Xeomin? 

Xeomin is a non-invasive wrinkle relaxer that works to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This injectable provides a natural result, and the procedure is quick with no downtime. Similar to Botox, Xeomin is an approved method in stopping those pesky crows feet and frown lines. Both of these muscle relaxers work by blocking the signal between the nerves and muscles around the injection site. By blocking this signal, your muscles are relaxed, resulting in a smooth, ageless result. 

So, if Botox and Xeomin ultimately achieve the same result, what is the difference? Well, like many other medical treatments, some individuals may respond to one better than the other. Another difference between the two are the ingredients. Keep in mind that both of these products have been clinically tested and are considered safe – however, Xeomin is additive free while Botox contains additives. 

What Are The Benefits of Xeomin? 

Xeomin certainly comes with its benefits. Aside from being additive free, some of those perks include… 

  • Reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles 

  • Overall smooth, youthful appearance

  • Prevention of wrinkles when administered regularly 

  • Non invasive procedure with no downtime 

  • Little risk of allergic reactions

How Long Does Xeomin Last? 

After your procedure, you should start to see the effects of Xeomin after a couple of days. While full results will not kick in until a week or two, this muscle relaxer can last anywhere from three to six months. Your results vary based on the speed of your metabolism – the faster your metabolism, the sooner you may see signs of wrinkles again. Fortunately, because this is a safe procedure, you can schedule a follow up appointment as soon as you see signs for wrinkles for a quick and painless touch up! 


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