Does Charcoal Toothpaste Damage Your Teeth?

If you are a common coffee, wine or tea drinker, you are probably no stranger to tooth staining. While it can be easy to stain your teeth with the foods and beverages you consume, your teeth can also begin to change in color as you age. Fortunately, whatever the case may be, there are endless over-the-counter teeth whitening options available!

Over the last few years, charcoal whitening products have become exceptionally popular – but are they safe? Activated charcoal certainly has its benefits for the body, and while we can’t deny its ability to whiten your teeth too, we must consider the possible side effects. 

So, Are Charcoal Toothpastes Safe? 

Charcoal toothpastes are everywhere nowadays – let’s face it, it's hard to deny those instant results! With all of the buzz surrounding charcoal toothpastes and powders, it’s something many of you have likely tested out. However, many of you may not realize the damaging effects charcoal can have on your enamel over time. 

Charcoal itself is very abrasive – and abrasive products like this can be very damaging to your tooth enamel. Enamel works as a protective shield for your teeth, but the more it deteriorates the more your smile is susceptible to cavities and gum recession. Enamel also works to keep your smile strong and white – so as it’s lost, your teeth can appear more yellow and become increasingly sensitive. 

If you’ve already found your favorite charcoal toothpaste, we encourage you to consider a few things before it becomes a long lasting habit… 

They’re abrasive. This grittiness can damage your enamel and gums with frequent use – in addition to more serious problems down the line.

Your teeth can become sensitive. When the enamel is worn down, it causes heightened sensitivity to hot and cold foods. 

Charcoal toothpastes and powders can damage your restorations. Similar to how charcoal damages your gums and enamel, it can also damage your tooth restorations. 

So, what’s the verdict?

Just like many other things in life, charcoal toothpastes are okay to use– just in moderation. Keep in mind that while charcoal is a quick fix to stained teeth, there are plenty of other options available which are considered safe, including professional whitening treatments from your dentist! 


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